1996 Missouri ARML Team Members

This June, the Missouri ARML team competed for the third year in a row at the national American Regions Mathematics League meet. This was the first year the team entered the upper division, but the students from Missouri performed well nonetheless, tying for fifteenth place and just edging out the team from Russia. Despite being two members short of a full team, Missouri managed to beat longtime rival Texas Silver and tie Chicago B, last year's Division B powerhouse. The thirteen students on this year's team were led by Mark Tilford (Parkway Central 96) who was the highest individual scorer at the midwest site, and Carl Bosley of Topeka who earned a gold medal this July at the International Math Olympiad. The national ARML contest is sponsored by NCTM, Mu Alpha Theta, MAA, and various other organizations, and the Missouri team received support from the St. Louis Actuaries Club. The Missouri team will be filling out next year's roster of fifteen to thirty students throughout the 1996-97 school year, and plans are currently underway to organize a Southern Illinois team this year. The national contest is held each year the Saturday after Memorial Day on the University of Iowa campus.

*Score of 7, individual round

**Next highest scorers on team


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